Americas Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops

America’s Bubble Economy Top 10 Strategies for Staying Afloat:

A timely guide to creating wealth during the impending financial crisis

Americas Bubble Economy explains what drove the bubble to grow, when and why it will burst, who will win and lose, and how to cash in on the tremendous financial opportunities it will create. It provides clear and compelling evidence that the stock market and the dollar are both bubbles that, like the internet bubble of 1999, will inevitably pop in the next 2-5 years. The book puts the perfect storm of economic crisis in the much larger context of the overall evolution of money and society and offers a realistic assessment of the current business climate with suggestions for rational management in challenging times. It shows readers what to do right now to protect assets and position themselves to make huge profits in foreign currencies, the stock market, gold, and other strategies for cashing in on what will be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. While most people ignore the warning signs, those who move quickly and correctly can position themselves now to profit from what will be the greatest financial opportunity of the coming decade. Instantly engaging and crystal clear, America’s Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops, cuts through the denial about our over-valued dollar, over-hyped stock market, over-priced real estate, crushing consumer debt, tremendous trade deficit, and astronomical government debt, upon which the US, European, and Asian economies now depend. More importantly, America’s Bubble Economy offers priceless, truly original insights for protecting assets and creating tremendous wealth for ordinary people (not just the fabulously wealthy) during the coming financial crisis. The book also illuminates how this unique moment fits into the broader evolution of money and society.

About the authors

John David Wiedemer, PhD, is a groundbreaking evolutionary economist who created the rigorous economic analysis on which this book is based. He received a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Wiedemer has held senior management positions with several Washington, DC area high technology companies and holds 13 domestic and international patents on information technology. Robert A. Wiedemer brings to the team the real world business knowledge and investment understanding that comes from founding a NASDAQ listed information services company. He is currently President of a business valuation firm that is the primary business valuation advisor for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Investment Company division (the largest fund of venture capital funds in the world). Cindy Spitzer is an award-winning writer who has contributed to the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, and many other publications and books, including the original Chicken Soup for the Soul. This time, she has made dry, complex economics clear, understandable, and even enjoyable to read. Eric Janszen is one of the nation’s leading financial bubble experts, having written extensively on the Internet bubble and developed the popular Web site,, which has been praised by the New York Times, BusinessWeek, National Public Radio, and CNBC. He has also been CEO of two venture backed companies and Managing Director of Osborn Capital from 1998 to 2001. On his itulip web site he called the top of the dot com bubble in March 2000 and recommended moving from cash to gold in 2001 when gold bottomed.


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